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November 11, 2005 - 3:38 pm

This morning as I finished running with my old roommate and we were visiting a friend I began to feel like something wasn't right. Remnants from my dream the night before started sneaking into my thoughts. When all of a sudden I gasped and said, "ewwwwwwwwwww." They looked at me and all I could say was, "I just remembered my dream last night!"

It's one of those dreams that scares you a little. It makes you wonder, "what if this happened in real life? What would I do?!" I dreamed that I was getting married to someone that I really didn't know. He seemed nice and was definitely a good looking person but I just wasn't attracted to this person and the thought of spending the rest of my life with him scared me to death. Of course the process for getting ready for the wedding in my dream took forever. The razor kept slipping out of my hands as I tried to shave my legs. I couldn't find my clothes and people were running around everywhere. Then I found a pair of underwear he had given me to wear for the wedding (random! and ewwwwwww). I'm sure if I liked him I would have been more keen on the sentiment. Somehow we ended up getting married and the whole dream ended with me telling my mom I wasn't going to go on the honeymoon. Being the wonderful mom that she is, she just hugged me and told me, "I thought so."

SCARY! The thought of that happening in real life is just a little too much. Note to self: Be careful with who you date! And what possibly could have prompted this dream? An episode of Sex in the City at 10:00 last night. You know the one where Charlotte marries Trey even though she has major reservations? Yep, that's the one. Second note to self: No more Sex in the City before I go to sleep.

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